Thursday, 4 October 2012


Portraiture is a type of photography but in the sense that it is controlled photography, this being because the photographer is usually directing the model/s depending on how they want the portrait; by telling them to do different poses and the photographer decides what clothes and scenery the model is in. But in contrast, portraiture photography even though it is being controlled some photographers have gone against this tradition; for example Tony Vaccaro, being a photojournalist aswell he liked to see the true side of people, their natural state; in their emotion being through facial expression and body language to give the photograph more meaning and definition. One example of this is when Vaccaro was hired to take Picasso's portrait, Vaccaro tricked Picasso into thinking that he was taking the picture before he actually did so that Picasso then could relax afterwards giving a natural pose that Vacarro captured.

Picasso, taken by Tony Vaccaro.

Portraiture has changed alot since it started, not only in how it is now taken but also in who is in demand for this type of service. Now it is alot easier and cheaper to get cameras, so it is less common for a middle class family to pay for a photographer to take their portraits it would be much cheaper to take their own. So because of this it means that the people that are most likely going to want a photographer to take their portraits would be richer families who can afford it and want a professional. An example of a portraiture photographer who is known for taking pictures of rich families could be Diane Arbus, she was known for taking the Matthaei family portraits.

1 comment:

  1. Pass 1 You describe different applications of photography with some appropriate use of subject terminology To improve this grade you will need to better explain the different applications of photography with reference to detailed illustrative examples, and with generally correct use of subject terminology.

    You need to go into more detail about some of the photographers work you only just touch each subject.
